Monday, June 15, 2015

Moving to my heart {base training: week 2}

Utah: Ragnar Wasatch Back
From my Believe Training Journal question of the week: 

I respect my one and only body by...
  • Fueling for strength
  • Resting for recovery
  • Believing for magic
Shift from thinking to feeling--feel yourself accomplishing your goal. Take that feeling out of your head and put it into your heart. Embrace it as the reality.
 ~Erin Taylor, Founder & Head Coach of Jasyoga

My first week of base training went well. No hiccups or surprises. I ran a bit more than I intended and didn't run a traditional long run because my mileage for the week was good. My goal was to run 39 miles and ended up running 41. 

Base-training: Week One Recap

Monday3.1 miles easy run (using heart rate monitor, bpm <150)
Tuesday7.4 miles easy run with 4x20 second strides at the end of run
Wednesday6.5 miles run, speedwork (Strava WoW: The #Moneghetti)
Thursday5.4 miles easy run (run on treadmill) + TRX class
Friday6 miles, hill run (+1 mile warm-up run before Tabata class)
Saturday3-5 miles easy run 3.4 miles easy run + 5.2 miles group run
Sunday10-12 miles long run  3.2 miles easy run

Total mileage: 41.5 miles

Week 2 is a bit unusual because I'm traveling to Utah for Ragnar Wasatch Back. It's my 4th Ragnar race and my first with an Oiselle team (Bird Machine). My long run will be my 2nd leg of the race (9.5 miles) estimated to start at 12:30 am Saturday. 

Base-Training: Week 2

Goal mileage: 41 miles

Monday: 4.3 miles recovery run (using heart rate monitor, bpm <143. This is hard, especially when running uphill.)
Tuesday: 4.3 miles easy run on treadmill
Wednesday: 6.5 miles speedwork, probably fartleks pre-race workout on track
Thursday: 6 miles + 4 x 20-second strides
Friday: Ragnar Wasatch Back 1st leg-7.2 miles, hill run
Saturday: Ragnar Wasatch Back 2nd & 3rd legs-9.6 miles + 4 x 20-second strides & 3.1 miles
Sunday: Rest or 3 mile easy run HA! What was I thinking? I rested like a champ.

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